Famous TV screen actor Behrooz Sabzwari severely criticized actress and morning show host Nadia Khan and said that dramas are made with great effort, who is she to criticize a drama?
It should be noted that along with actresses Marina Khan and Rubina Ashraf, Nadia Khan in a private channel show critically evaluates the dramas aired on TV and expresses her views. On several occasions, Nadia Khan was seen criticizing TV dramas, the video clips of which have gone viral on social media.
Once Nadia Khan criticized dramas and said that extramarital relations are promoted in dramas, married women are shown having affairs with non-men, and most of the women in Pakistani dramas are cheating on their husbands. are She also said in a show that she gets irritated when dramas show the character of a very cool and good man because there are no such men these days.
Nadia Khan had said in another place that most of the flaws in our dramas are in the writers, the scripts of the dramas are weak, I think we need to do it the way it is done in Hollywood, more than one in a series. There should be writers, writing 16 to 17 episodes is not enough for one writer.
Recently, senior actors Behrooz Sabzwari and Khalid Anum participated in Sama TV’s morning show where they took Nadia Khan by surprise. During the program, when the host asked the question, why are the main characters in dramas only heroes and heroines?
Behrouz Sabzwari said that when the script of the drama comes to us, we try to make a small change, but we cannot change the entire script by ourselves. was said, and that serial became very popular.
He said that the culture that was taken care of in the dramas made during the PTV era is lacking today, we are certainly a part of it, but I cannot say what is wrong.
Behrouz Sabzwari added that nowadays dramas run and are made based on ratings, a drama or a series is made with a lot of effort. Meanwhile, the senior actor also criticized the drama review show aired on 24 News in which Nadia Khan, Rubina Ashraf, and Marina Khan share their views while critically reviewing dramas aired on TV.
Behrouz Sabzwari said that dramas are not made so easily that anyone can present their critical review. In a program, some of our friends, including Rubina Ashraf, are also criticizing the dramas unnecessarily, ‘I want to apologize to these women. And who are you to tell the channel what should happen in the drama? They know how much hard work goes into drama.
Meanwhile, actor Khalid Aneem also said in the program that ‘we would have been surprised if someone else had said it, but these women come to the set themselves and they know how much hard work goes behind the drama. It is a pity to say this on their behalf. ‘
Behrooz Sabzwari continued her talk and said that there was a strange woman in this show, Nadia Khan, who was a famous morning show anchor, she also used to disrespect the guests in her morning show.
He also questioned Rubina Ashraf and Marina Khan and said that people from the industry are defaming their colleagues, and people from their industry are being made fun of in this show, I am very angry.
It should be noted that Nadia Khan has also acted in several dramas including ‘Kisi Aurt Hoon Mein’, ‘Dolly Darling’, ‘Zin Mureed’, ‘Kum Zaraf’, and ‘Isi Hai Ishwani’ among others.
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