Method of preparation of ‘Shinwari Kadhai’, a typical dish of northern regions

Method of preparation of 'Shinwari Kadhai', a typical dish of northern regions

Shinwari Kadhai is a unique and special dish of the northern region of Pakistan that is very popular, this dish is popular among the Pashtun people because of the name of the Shinwari tribe.

The traditional cuisine of Pakistan has a distinct identity, among them, Shinwari Kadhai has made its place in the hearts of everyone, and its unique taste and aroma attract everyone.

You will mostly find this dish in street foods, but if you don’t want to go out, you can cook it at home for dinner or lunch.

If you haven’t tasted this dish yet, make sure to cook this wonderful dish at home today with this delicious and very easy recipe.


Half a cup of cooking oil

Chicken half kg

Garlic paste 1 tbsp

Cut tomatoes into 3-4 medium pieces

Green chillies 3-4 pcs

Use 1 teaspoon ground black pepper or to taste

Salt 1 teaspoon or to taste

Chopped green coriander

Ginger a number


Add oil and chicken to the wok, and mix well until the color changes.

Now add garlic paste, mix well, and fry until light golden.

Then add the tomatoes, cover, and cook on low flame for 10-15 minutes or until the tomatoes are soft.

Remove the lid, mix well, and cook on high flame for 2-3 minutes.

Now add green chilies, ground black pepper, salt and mix well for 1-2 minutes.

Garnish with fresh coriander, and ginger after mixing.

Fragrant, fragrant, hot, delicious Shinwari Kadhai is ready, eat with hot naan or chapati.

More: Click here to watch a video on this recipe.

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