Actress Kareena Kapoor, who is called Bollywood ‘Bay Bo’, will soon be seen on the OTT platform for the first time after 23 years of career. Yes, while releasing the teaser of Kareena Kapoor’s first OTT film ‘Jaan-e-Jaan’, it was announced that it would be released on September 21 next month on the occasion of the actress’s birthday.
The short teaser released by Netflix shows glimpses of Kareena Kapoor and other lead characters of the film. It is difficult to understand the story of the film from the teaser, but it is indicated that the audience will get to see action and thriller along with romance.
According to reports, the story of ‘Jaan-e-Jaan’ is derived from a Japanese novel (The Devotional of Suspect X) which was published in 2006. The story of the said novel is full of suspense and thriller, with the character of a beautiful divorced woman and the events revolving around the murder and its investigation.
Kareena Kapoor will probably be seen playing the role of a beautiful divorced woman in ‘Jaan-e-Jaan’ who drives others crazy with her beauty but has a very painful past. Netflix has released the teaser of ‘Jaan-i Jaan’ and confirmed the release on September 21.
Before the teaser of ‘Jaan-i Jaan’, Netflix India released an interesting video regarding Kareena Kapoor’s OTT debut. Which she was shown discussing with the filmmakers that she wanted to make her digital debut with a film based on a unique story.
Kareena Kapoor made her career debut with the film ‘Refugee’ in 2000 and this will be the first time in 23 years that she will be appearing in a production on the OTT platform. Kareena Kapoor’s last film was ‘Lal Singh Chadha’ opposite Aamir Khan, which was released last year.
Jaan-e-jaan is directed by Sanjay Ghosh and stars Jaydeep Ahlawat and Vijay Varma among others.
Although Kareena Kapoor will be making her OTT debut with ‘Jaan-e-Jaan’, her husband Saif Ali Khan made his OTT debut years ago, with his first Indian Netflix web series ‘Sacred Games’ becoming a huge hit.
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