Was the Drama Serial Jurm copied from India?

Jurm drama serial

Jurm drama serial consisting of four episodes. This is a crime-based drama and people were surprised to see this drama. But let us also tell you that Wahaj Ali who played the lead role in this drama is very famous nowadays with the drama serial Tere Bin. Along with him is Dur Fashan Saleem, who has become the heartthrob of Pakistanis after the drama Kesi Teri Self-Interesting. The drama went very far in the ratings and was also trending as it was the first time such a drama with such a large cast appeared on a Pakistani TV channel. But you will be surprised to know that this drama is a copy of the 2010 Indian documentary. The story of the 2010 Indian crime drama serial Honeymoon Mudder is very similar to this episode. Sides will tell you about this real incident and at the same time we will tell you about the story of the crime drama serial.

Annie Dewani belongs to a very rich Indian family who lives in Sweden. On a trip, Annie meets Sharin Dewani, a multi-millionaire who is originally Indian but lives in London and they get married. And both of them get married in Mumbai with great fanfare, spending so much money on their wedding that the entire social media is buzzing about this wedding. And then they both go to South Africa for their honeymoon and At night, after dinner in a big restaurant, they go out to expose an island in South Africa. Exposing a deserted island in the middle of the night was a strange thing, but Shareen Dewani said it was Annie’s wish. While these two are going, two goons on the way stop the car at gunpoint and enter it and after going a little further, they throw Shareen Dewani out of the car and after that, they escape with the girl. Shireen escapes from them and lodges a police report and the next day the police find the location of the car, but when the police reach there, they find the girl’s body along with it. Then after a few days, the police catch the driver too If he takes it, it turns out that he has been involved in thefts and dacoities before. The taxi driver kidnaps his two colleagues to save his life, but then makes a revelation that leaves everyone shaken. The driver reveals that the three of us are the girl’s husband, Shireen Dewani calls his new bride to be killed. After that, the case takes many new turns and finally Shareen Dewani escapes. If you have seen this drama, you can guess by yourself. This drama is a copy of this drama Hoboho. In this drama, it is also shown that a girl’s bracelet comes out from under the seat of the car and in the original incident also a very valuable diamond ring of the girl is found under the seat of the car.

Now we tell you who will be killed in the drama. You will also be very surprised and wondering who did the murder in the end. Because every moment the scene changes and the suspicion is shifted to someone else. But in real life, it happened that Shareen is very rich and rich. He marries a girl but he kills her himself. This is very clear. That it was Shareen who had given the money and invited these people to kill him. And he had killed his wife with his own hands. The real reason is revealed many years later which may or may not be shown in the drama as such stories are not shown on Pakistani TV channels showing that Shireen is a homosexual. is attracted to men and he never wanted me to spend my life with a woman. He just wants me to show the world that I loved a girl and killed her. After that, I never got married to any woman, and behind the scenes, he continued to do his dirty deeds. He does all this so that he will not be dispossessed of his property and will not become a bad name in his family. So he marries a girl and later has her killed in her memory. He was ready to spend his whole life, but he was fulfilling his lust with men behind the scenes. And obviously, this will not be shown in our Pakistani dramas. Rahi is a very close secretary to her father and she looks after the affairs of the office as well as the home. It will be shown that Daniyal’s father will be very busy with his meetings and work and Daniyal will be younger and Samina will take him in her hands and fulfill many of her wishes with him. There will be and now we feel that not too much will be shown clearly but enough of these things will be shown.

We told you where the idea of ​​this play was taken from, but today we also want to tell you that many, if not most, stories are taken from the real life of a person. There are many such incidents around you. There are events that you watch on many TV channels after watching. And you compare that this incident happened in my neighborhood. And it is a very real incident and you think that it is the same. A drama has been made on the incident, but the way this drama has been made and the way this drama has been filmed. After watching it, we realized that there are very good directors in Pakistan as well.

Now let’s move on to the drama serial Jurm story. As you may have seen, it seems that Daniel’s mother will have a hand in the beginning because of the way she is trembling and nervous, and stressed. It seems as if he is the one behind this whole incident and he is the one who killed his daughter-in-law. But the story goes on and changes suddenly. And the second may be that the girl behind The guys in the whole university were crazy and she is crazy about Daniel and she goes to Daniel herself And wants to talk to him and spend time with him. And maybe she is doing all this to take some revenge on him because the dead body of this girl has not been shown yet. Because the driver was also caught and all the other people were also caught but the dead body was not shown. And in this story, it has not been shown yet where the dead body has gone, everyone is complaining that she has been killed, but it has not been shown. It is that she is taking some old revenge.

Friends come to the end of this Jurm drama serial, the fact is that none of Ayala’s family members are involved in Ayala’s murder. He is a thief. When he works in such a big house, his greed increases. And he tells about the conditions of this house to the other two friends who are involved in every incident with him. These three make a plan together to kidnap Daniyal and demand money from his house. That’s why when Daniyal and Ayla go to Hyderabad to drink Kashmiri tea, they are kidnapped there. Where their driver is taken off and left and fired in the air so that Daniyal and Ayla think that their driver is dead. So Daniyal has to do it but by mistake, Ayla is kidnapped and Daniyal is thrown out of the car and injured, and Daniyal faints there. And when according to the plan the third servant That Daniyal’s driver is coming to pick him up from the front. So Ayla runs away from there. But when she is caught again, she unmasks a masked bandit, who turns out to be their driver hired by Daniyal, named Hameed. Seyla shoots Ayla and it is the driver who kills Ayla and is later punished.

Drama Serial Jurm in Conference of Daniyal
Drama Serial Jurm in Police arresting Daniyal
Drama Serial Jurm Police Officer investigating the crime
Thieves are taking Ayala in a car in a drama serial Jurm

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Friends Drama Serial Jurm was written by Shah Yasir, the director of this drama was Mehreen Jabbar, while Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi were the producers of this drama. Drama Serial Jurm was a short teledrama consisting of four episodes that were aired on Geo TV. The main cast of the drama serial “Jurm” included Wahaj Ali, Door Fashan Saleem, Touba Siddiqui, Zale Sarhadiya, and Atiqa Odhu.

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