Bollywood actor, producer and director Boney Kapoor has made several revelations 6 years after his wife Sridevi death, claiming that his wife fainted due to not consuming salt, which may have led to her death. Death occurred.
Sridevi was found dead in a luxury hotel in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in February 2018. According to reports at the time, Sridevi fainted in the bathtub, in which she died after drowning.
There were also reports at the time that Sridevi might have consumed too much alcohol, due to which she fainted and later drowned in the bathtub, but such reports could not be confirmed.
During the last 6 years, the exact reasons of Sridevi death could not be revealed, however, the Dubai Police and the administration had said that the actress died due to drowning in the bathtub.
Now, 6 years after the death of his wife, Boney Kapoor has for the first time spoken openly about the above issue and said that he was under investigation for 48 hours after Sridevi death.
He told ‘The New Indian’ in an interview that the police also conducted several tests on him to find out the truth and put him through lie detector software and kept him in custody by asking him very tough questions.
According to him, although the Dubai Police soon realized that they had done nothing but that everything happened by accident, they continued with the investigation because of the pressure from the Indian media.
Sridevi used to diet hard to look beautiful.
Boney Kapoor also revealed in a long interview that his wife was on a strict diet to look beautiful and attractive. According to him, Sridevi was on a diet since her youth, she wanted to look more beautiful and attractive on screen and did everything for it.
Boney Kapoor said that after a few months of marriage, Sridevi started a strict diet, which he explained to her several times, but she never listened to him. It should be noted that Boney Kapoor and Sridevi got married in 1996, which was Boney Kapoor’s second marriage to the actress.
After a year of marriage, in 1997, the elder Janhvi Kapoor was born to them, while in 1998, their second daughter Khushi Kapoor was born.
“Distance from salt also caused Sridevi’s death”
Boney Kapoor revealed in an interview that Sridevi used to eat without salt, she never used salt. According to the film producer, Sridevi also had the problem of low blood pressure, due to which the doctors themselves had advised her that she should use salt.
He told that due to non-use of salt she had problem of low blood pressure and she had fainted many times before, on which he also instructed her to use salt.
According to Boney Kapoor, when a South Indian actor came to offer condolences after Sridevi’s death, he also said that during the shooting of a film, Sridevi fell unconscious in the bathroom, breaking her teeth.
According to the filmmaker, he was aware that Sridevi’s teeth were broken and she was wearing artificial teeth. He claimed that he and his daughters kept instructing Sridevi on the mandatory use of salt but she did not listen to them.
He said that Sridevi had thought that her body would swell by using salt, her body would become watery, her face would lose its attractiveness, so she stopped using salt.
According to him, wherever she went out to eat with him, she used to order food without salt and this habit kept her blood pressure low, due to which she fainted several times. According to Boney Kapoor, she fainted in the same way in Dubai, after which she could not survive this time.
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