Correcting problems in the past, now dramas are being made on considering them normal, Sania Saeed

Correcting problems in the past, now dramas are being made on considering them normal, Sania Saeed

Senior actress Sania Saeed has said that in the past, dramas were made as an ideology to identify problems and correct them, but now problems are being made as normal. The actress recently participated in the comedy show ‘Mazaq Raat’, where she opened up about showbiz and other issues.

The actress said that she started doing voice-over in her childhood and that’s why she learned a lot. She said that she used to get angry a lot as a child, to which her father instructed her that she is good at being angry, but she should learn to use her anger in the right place.

In response to a question, he said that sometimes fans behave in such a way that they have to get angry, but later they regret why they got angry with the fan. When asked about the effect of characters on her personality, she said that in the beginning she was influenced, but now she has done so much that she is not influenced by roles.

Sania Saeed said that but she carries her good characters with her, she liked her role of Mehraul Nissa very much, that’s why she adopted some habits of the character. On the question of criticism on plays and actors, he said that every actor works hard but when he hears criticism on himself, he feels pain and sorrow and it is a natural process.

The actress said that acting and criticism go hand in hand and an actor who is not mentally prepared for criticism will never become a good actor. Sania Saeed said that the characteristic of a good actor is that he makes himself better by adopting the good things of self-criticism.

Talking about the success of Pakistani dramas and the difference between the past and the present, the senior actress said that dramas are still being made on the same topics, which were made in the past, but now the idea of ​​making them has changed.The actress said that in the past, the perspective of making dramas was different, at that time dramas were made with the idea of ​​identifying problems and solving them.

According to Sania Saeed, but now the theory and perspective of making dramas has changed, now dramas show problems and try to explain that it is normal and it happens to everyone. The actress said that now dramas are being made with the same idea that everyone should feel that the problems are with everyone and they should be considered normal.

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