7 Wonders of the Ancient World

The Great Haram of Giza

7 Wonders of the Ancient World.Friends, the 7 greatest architectural masterpieces of ancient times are called the 7 wonders of the world, that is, the wonders of the world. This list of the wonders of the world was compiled between 204 and 305 BC. These seven wonders of the world were mentioned in 140 BC. Found in a poem۔The Seven Wonders of the World include the Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus, the Mausoleum of Mosul, the Statue of Dodes, and the Bright Tower of Alexandria. Among all the wonders in the world, only the Egyptian pyramids are still standing. While the existence of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon has not been proven yet. Among the seven wonders in the world, the other five wonders have been destroyed by natural disasters. Among them, the temple of Artemis and the statue of Zeus were destroyed by fire, while the illuminated tower of Alexandria, the statue of Rhodes, and the Mausoleum of Mosulus were victims of earthquakes. Among these five destroyed wonders, some remains of the temple of Artemis are still in London. are in the British Museum

01: The Great Haram of Giza.
The Great Haram of Gaza is one of the wonders of the ancient world
Great Haram of Giza:

Friends, if we talk about the 7 famous wonders of the ancient world, then we have the Great Haram of Gaza, which is called the Pyramid of Egypt. Pyramid of Khufu (English: Pyramid of Khufu), also known as the Great Pyramid of Giza. This pyramid is the oldest and largest of the three great pyramids of Giza. It is located in the city of Giza, Egypt, which is why it is called the “Great Haram of Giza “This ancient wonder is the oldest among the seven wonders of the world. And it still retains its original state. According to Egyptologists, this Haram was used as the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu 2560 years before Christ. For 3800 years, it was considered one of the tallest buildings in the world. Its height is about 146.5 meters (481 feet).
For 3800 years, this great hummock was considered the tallest man-made structure. This pyramid was covered with a stone casing made of marble (English: casing stones), due to which its outer surface was smooth, but over time, this stone casing was scratched from its outer surface or someone removed it for other constructions. It has been demolished but remains of this rocky cover still remain on its upper and lower surface. There are various hypotheses about its construction. It is believed by some to have been constructed by cutting and hewing large boulders from a quarry and hauling them from various locations. There are three boxes built inside it. The queen’s house and the king’s house are on the upper level. The main part of the Pyramids of Giza is a series of buildings that contain two temples dedicated to King Khufu, one near the Great Pyramid and the other near the Nile River. Between these two temples there is a raised platform. The shrines of the three wives of King Khufu are in the middle of these two temples of the dead and there are small tombs around these shrines. Also, there are small harems.

History and explanation:

The pyramid is believed to have been built as a tomb for King Khufu, also known as Cheops, of the Fourth Egyptian Dynasty. And it has been built over a period of 20 years. But Some People believe that King Khufu’s minister Hamyunu was its architect. It is said that it was originally 280 cubits or 146.5 meters (480.6 ft) high, but has been eroded to its current height of 138.8 meters (455.4 ft). Each of its four rules is 440 cubits or 230.4 meters (755.6 ft). Its weight is estimated at 5.9 million tons. It has a volume of 2,500,000 cubic meters (88,000,000 cubic feet). Based on these estimates, approximately 800 tons of stone were placed per day during the 20-year construction period. The stone used in its construction consists of about 2.3 million blocks, it is estimated that about 12 blocks were laid every hour of the day and night during the 20-year construction period. It was first measured by Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie from 1880 to 1882 and published under the name ‘The Pyramids and Temples of Giza’. All these estimates are based on his measurements. Many of the lithic cover and inner box blocks are embedded in extreme measurements. The average joint space is 0.5 mm wide based on measurements of the northeaster rocky cover. Until the 160-meter-high Lincoln Cathedral was built in the 1300s, it was one of the tallest buildings in the world. It is so precisely constructed that it has an average error of only 58 mm in the length of all four rules. Its rule is horizontal and smooth. The four rules of its square base show the four directions North, South, East, West, i.e., it is constructed keeping in mind the four directions and it shows the true or polar directions and not the magnetic directions. According to Flinders Petrie’s research, its structure is such that it is 280 cubits (English: cubit) high.
(A cubit is the standard of length used by the ancient Egyptians. A cubit is about 0.525 meters or 52.5 cm.) And each of the four rules of its square base is 440 cubits long. The perimeter of its square base is 1760 cubits. The ratio of its circumference (1760 cubits) to height (280 cubits) is 2π. It is expressed mathematically as 1760/280=2π Based on this, some people believe that the ancient Egyptians were aware of π, while according to Egyptologists it is simply a result of its construction. For example, we can find the value of π by dividing the circumference of any circular structure by twice its radius. It is not necessary for the architect of this circular construction to be aware of π. Werner writes, “We may conclude that although the ancient Egyptians could not define π, they used it in practice.” Sir William Flinders Petrie, author of The Pyramids and Temples of Giza, concludes “These square and circular ratios are related in such a way that we can say that it is present in the architect’s construction diagram.” There will be no thought of saving it. They believe that the slope of the pyramid is based on the slope of the normal saccade.

Construction materials:

The Great Pyramid is built of about 3.2 million blocks of stone, most of which were brought from nearby stone quarries. The outer covering of the Haram is made of marble, which was brought from the Tura quarry, located on the east bank of the Nile, south of Cairo. Large stones of Sang Khari (granite) weighing 25 to 80 tons were found in the Shah’s chamber in the Haram. These stones were brought from the city of Aswan, about 800 km (500 mi) south of the Great Haram in Egypt. located in. Traditionally, the ancient Egyptians used wooden chisels and hammers to break stone. I would cause a large crack and thus the stone would be cut into large blocks which would later be transported down the Nile by boats or by some other means to the temple. It is estimated that 5.5 million tons of marble, 8,000 tons of granite (imported from Aswan) and 500,000 tons of mortar were used in the construction of the Great Haram.

Rocky cover:

When the Great Pyramid was completed, it was covered with white marble slabs. The required location where it was to be installed should meet the required standards of that location. Large earthquakes dislodged the outer stone cladding, which was later used by the naval Mamluk Sultan Nasir Abu al-Mali Nasir al-Din Badr al-Din al-Hassan in the construction of mosques and forts in Cairo in 1356 AD. Many other stone coverings were used in the early nineteenth century by Muhammad Ali Pasha in the construction of the upper part of the Muhammad Ali Mosque in Cairo. Later, the excavators discovered a pile of stone cover debris at the base of the harem as a result of the continuous collapse of the stone cover, which was later cleared away during excavations. Even today, the base of the Haram can be seen with rough stone cover stones in the same condition as they were centuries ago. Petrie demarcated the rocky cover with a different orientation and suggested that the north be re-determined before repairing it, but he made a mistake and the rocky cover was set with a different orientation. The Petrie measure is similar to the modern optician’s measure, which measures with great precision, but the standard of the Petrie measure is the acre. Care must be taken to repair such stones properly; their joints are almost impossible to repair with ordinary cement. It is recommended that Petri’s recommended special slurry be used for this repair. It was Petri’s mortar that made this impossible task possible, creating a smooth surface and enabling the artisans to set the stones correctly.

02: Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Friends, if we talk about the 7 famous wonders of the ancient world, hanging gardens of Babylon comes second. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are the second of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World – and the only one whose original location is still unknown – built in the sixth century BC by Banu Quad Nazr (During the reign of Nebbuk Adnezzar, the Chaldean kingdom was revived in Babylon (Iraq), so he built these magnificent gardens for his queen Amethyst, who was the daughter of the king of Media, Vakhshetra, who made her country green. And the Hussain valleys were lost. They were located in the city of Babylon (Iraq). It was used as a royal garden. The height of these gardens was about 80 feet. These gardens were not actually suspended, but were planted in a place that gradually rose to a height of three and a half hundred feet. In the construction of these levels, care was taken to ensure that the land is such that the growth of the trees does not decrease, nor does excess water go down to the lower levels and spoil other gardens. There is no lengthy mention of these gardens in Babylonian texts, nor is there any definitive evidence from archaeology – due to a lack of evidence, it is generally agreed that these gardens were purely mythical – Ancient Greece The descriptions found in and Roman historians give an idealized and romanticized representation of an absolutely oriental garden -If these gardens actually existed, they were destroyed sometime after the first century AD.

03: Statue of Rhodes.

Friends, if we talk about the 7 famous wonders of the ancient world, we have the statue of Rhodes at the third place.The Colossus of Rhodes was a large statue of Helios, the Greek god of the sun, located in the city of Rhodes. It is also considered as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The height of the statue was about 30 meters (98 feet). This statue no longer exists, but many sculptors modelled the great statue of Helios on it. This sculpture gave rise to the art of sculpture in the West and in Greece, flourishing most famously in Italy during the second period.

04: Statue of Zeus.

Friends, if we talk about the 7 famous wonders of the ancient world, then we have the statue of Zeus at the fourth place. The statue is located in Olympia and is 42 feet tall. The statue depicts a seated figure of Zeus. It was built by Phidias, a Greek sculptor, in 435 BC.Ivory, gold plates and many precious stones were also used in the preparation of this statue.The statue represents the Greek god Zeus and was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World until the fifth century BC. This statue was destroyed in the fifth century BC. According to one theory, Phidias met Zeus on Mount Olympus, which inspired him to create the statue.

05: The Lighthouse of Alexandria.
 Lighthouse of Alexandria
Lighthouse of Alexandria:

Friends, if we talk about the 7 famous wonders of the ancient world, we have the Roshan Minaret of Alexandria at the fifth place.
This stone minaret minaret is located in the Persian city of Alexandria, Egypt, also known as “Persia of Alexandria”. This statue was built during the Ptolemaic dynasty from 247 to 280 AD. The height of this tower was 393 to 450 feet. It is considered among the oldest wonders of the world.It is considered among the wonders of the ancient world. Due to three major earthquakes, this minaret has now turned into ruins. It should be noted that the ancient symbol of Egypt was this tower of Alexandria.

06: Mausoleum of Mosul.

Friends, if we talk about the 7 famous wonders of the ancient world, then we come to the sixth number, the shrine of Permosulus.
This architectural wonder of the world, known as the Mausoleum, was built between 350 and 353 BC near the ancient Greek city of Halicarnassus. It was built during the Achaemenid Empire, an ancient Greek style. The shrine is 45 meters high and is surrounded by carvings and Greek architecture. This shrine is considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was destroyed by earthquakes in the 12th to 15th century AD. Its architecture is very classical. The tomb was designed by Pythias, Leucadia, Briseis, Aescapus and Timotheus of Citrus and Prian. Another example of reconstruction of this mausoleum is also in Istanbul.

07: Temple of Artemis.
Temple of Artemis in ruins
Temple of Artemis in ruins:

Friends, if we talk about the 7 famous wonders of the ancient world, we have the temple of Artemis at the seventh place. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World which was a temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis. Artemis was the most powerful Greek goddess. Greek colour that is prominent in its architecture. In Greek mythology, Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, famous for her archery, was the daughter of Zeus Aleuts and the twin sister of Apollo. This goddess is also considered a symbol of virginity and purity. In artwork, he is shown hunting thirteen dogs. His sacred animal is the deer.

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