25 Most Beautiful Tourist Places in Pakistan

Most Beautiful Tourist Places in Pakistan

Today we will tell you about 25 beautiful tourist places in Pakistan. Pakistan is a beautiful country rich in natural beauty which is known as a paradise for tourists. Eight of the twenty highest mountain peaks in the world are located in our beloved country Pakistan. Apart from this, the beauty of the northern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and Gilgit-Baltistan is famous all over the world, the world’s largest glaciers are in Pakistan, where you can find rare wild animals, glaciers, snow-capped mountains, waterfalls. Rivers etc. fountains etc. will see different types of scenic views.
Foreign tourists come here in large numbers but still whenever we talk about beautiful countries only Maldives, Baku, Italy, France, Switzerland etc come to mind. There are also a large number of Pakistanis who are always talking about going abroad, maybe they don’t know how beautiful Pakistan is, so let’s talk about some of the most beautiful places in Pakistan. It will not be wrong if they are called ‘paradise places’ in the world.
When we think about our country, bad things like terrorism, extremism, sectarianism, corruption, load shedding, and inflation come to mind, but despite all these, we love Pakistan immensely. Think of some good quotes that are presented in front of you, where will the scale of love for your beloved country reach۔
Pakistan is a beautiful country and due to its natural charms, it looks like a paradise. If you are a tourist or a wanderlust then surely there is some place in your schedule where you are thinking of visiting, so today we bring you 25 tourist places from a huge list of beautiful tourist places in Pakistan. Will tell you about where you must go.

No: 01. Hunza Valley

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, we have the beautiful Hunza Valley of Pakistan at number one. Hunza Valley is one of the most beautiful valleys of Pakistan, Hunza Valley is located in the mountainous region of Gilgit-Baltistan. Hunza, 100 km away from Gilgit, is an example of its beauty. Adjacent to Aap Hai Nagar, this area is at the foothills of Rakaposhi. Here you will find all kinds of fruits easily. One of the most famous places of Hunza, Attaabad Lake is at the top of the Hunza Valley from the sea level. 2500 meters high. Hunza Valley is surrounded by numerous mountains and rivers which add to its beauty, hence Hunza Valley is also known as the ‘Home of Mountains and Rivers’.
Whether it is summer or winter, autumn or spring, this valley looks so beautiful in every season that one’s eyes do not turn away from it, in winter when this valley is decorated with green leaves, and the rivers here are covered with snow. It feels like ‘heaven’ has come to earth and the Hunza Valley looks even more charming when the red and orange leaves on the trees are reflected on the snow in autumn. Snow leopards, markhors, and red-striped foxes are found in numbers.
Hunza Valley is an interesting place to visit, there are three regions in this valley, Upper Hunza, Center Hunza, and Lower Hunza. It is a mountain valley and there are many special things to see. Rakaposhi Base Camp, Diran Base Camp, Nagar Valley, and Attabad Lake.

No: 02. Lake Saiful Muluk

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the beautiful lake Saif-ul-Muluk in Pakistan at the second place. Lake Saif-ul-Muluk is also one of the most beautiful places in Pakistan. This lake is located near Naran in Kaghan Valley. It is known that fairies land here at night. The real beauty of this lake filled with clear and clear blue water is its location in the middle of ‘sky-high mountains’. The water of Lake Saif-ul-Muluk is so clear that the reflection of the mountains around it is prominent on it.
The queen idol covered with high snow, the green and blue water changing color, the purple butterflies flying in the air, and the water of the bowl-shaped lake on which the stars come down from the sky even on a full day present such a fascinating scene that one would look at it. Let the eyes become still, the eyelids refuse to move. Keep your eyes fixed. Time seems to stop, it feels like the world has stopped. The rotation of the universe has stopped. The wind has refused to move, forget about flying. Even if you feel short of breath. Indeed, Lake Saif Al-Muluk is such a lake! A talismanic lake presents the creation of nature, which has immense mystery, curiosity, and beauty within itself, which stuns the human mind at first sight.
The mesmerizing beauty of the lake illuminates a new world of dreams for you, the water of the lake and the majestic light emanating from it feels like burning the candles of love and the heart wants this peaceful scene to remain on the charm of the Naran Valley. There is a golden crown that will keep you going back for the rest of your life.
The romantic story of Prince Saif Al-Muluk and Fairy Badi Al-Jamal associated with this lake is very famous. Storytellers also earn money from tourists by telling these stories. This bowl-shaped lake is the epitome of beauty. Lake Saiful Muluk is about 10500 feet above sea level. The distance from Balakot to Naran Lake Saif-ul-Muluk is about 94 km, and the distance from Naran to Saif-ul-Muluk Lake is about 8 km. Apart from this, you can also go to Lake Saiful Mulok from Mahandri via Manwar Gali and Kutch Gali, but the whole route is difficult and pedestrian. The journey from Mahandari to Lake Saiful Muluk is about two hours. The length of Lake Saiful Muluk is 1420 feet and the width is about 450 feet. In front of Lake Saiful Muluk is the Queen Parbat which is about 17390 feet high. Most of the tourists enjoy ice skating here.

No: 03. Attabad Lake

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, the beautiful Attabad Lake of Pakistan is on the third place. Due to its location in Gojal Valley of Hunza, it is also known as ‘Gojal Lake’ but is more popularly known as Attabad Lake.
Attabad Lake is not very old, but after the landslide in 2010, this lake suddenly emerged, people say that it is a rare and best gift from God. The beauty of this lake can be estimated from the fact that after going here, the tourists do not find even Saiful Muluk Lake beautiful. The real beauty of Attabad Lake is seen in summer when the snow has almost melted and the crystal clear water is visible from a distance.

No: 04. Neelum Valley (Azad Kashmir)

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, the beautiful Neelum Valley of Pakistan is on the fourth place. Neelum Valley is located in the city of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan which is a tourist attraction due to its attractive greenery, lakes and springs. Hai Hussain and Jameel Valley is named Neelam, which stretches 240 km from Chehla Bandi Bridge to Tobat in the north of Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir. Neelum Valley is as beautiful as its name.
Neelum Valley is one of the most beautiful valleys of Pakistani Kashmir full of beauty with rivers, large streams of clear and cool water, springs, forests and green mountains. There are streams and waterfalls from the high mountains, whose milky water rushes down the road and collides with the big rocks and finally joins the muddy waters of the Neelam River.
This valley is called Neelam Valley because of the ‘Neelam River’ flowing with it. Neelum is the name of a very blue precious stone, the water of this lake is deep blue, so it was named Neelum River. This valley is one of the most beautiful valleys in Pakistan, where numerous water springs flow. , where mountains and greenery are also present, there are dense green forests and mountains which further highlight the beauty of this place. Also all types of ‘natural beauty’ are found here.

No: 05. Satpara Lake

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, we have the beautiful Satpara Lake of Pakistan at number five. One of the most beautiful lakes in Pakistan, at an altitude of more than 3000 meters, this Satpara Lake is located a few kilometers from Skardu. Which is not less than 4000 meters high at any point.8 months of the year this place is covered with snow but surprisingly during the 4 months of summer the 3000 square kilometers of flat plains consisting of mountain slopes and valleys are covered with snow. On the land, thousands of colorful wild flowers bloom everywhere, but not a single tree can be found anywhere. Shivsar Lake is also a part of it. This lake is one of the highest lakes in the world, with deep blue water, snow-capped hills, lush grass, and colorful flowers, this unique lake is also an example of beauty.) Located on the way to The water of this lake is so blue that the viewer is deceived that it is real water, but this lake is as beautiful as it looks in the pictures.
Like other lakes, Satpara Lake is located in the middle of the mountains. It is said that the water of this lake is sweet, so the water from here goes to the surrounding valleys.

No: 06. BabuSar Top, LuluSar Lake

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have Babu Sir Top at number six. Babu Sir Top is located in Kaghan Valley, which is a beautiful place based on numerous high mountains and greenery. The height of Babusar Top is about 16000 feet, on the way to its height, the breathtaking views over Harmur amaze you, while on the way, the charm and magical attraction of Lolosar Lake, 11200 feet above the sea level, starts pulling you towards it.
Located at an altitude of 3353 meters on the Naran Chalas road, Lolosar Lake is an hour’s drive from the town of Naran on the border of Kaghan Valley and Kohistan. Lolosar is the name of a combination of high hills and a beautiful lake. The water of the lake is clear and transparent like glass and the reflection of the snow clad hills of Lolosar in the crystal clear water of the lake captivates the viewers. There is a view.

No: 07. Shangri-La Resort (Skardu)

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, Shangri-La Resort (Skardu) comes to us as number seven. Among the entertainment places of Pakistan, there is a name ‘Shangrila Resort’ which is located some distance from Skardu. The beauty of this place is the restaurant there which is built in the style of an aircraft. Shangri-La Resort is about 40 minutes drive from Skardu City.
Leaving the Karakoram Highway a little beyond Jaglot, a narrow, rugged, and dry mountain road turns towards Skardu. In this seven-hour journey, many settlements, mountain streams, and well-mannered people welcome the traveler. Crossing the ancient wooden bridge over the Indus River, a road leads to the tourist paradise Shangri-La. It is a popular tourist destination about 25 minutes by car from Skardu City – the highlight of Shangri-La Rest House is its restaurant which is built in the structure of an aircraft.

No: 08. Swat Valley

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the beautiful Swat Valley of Pakistan at number eight. Swat Valley located in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province is called the ‘Switzerland’ of Asia. Swat was given this title by the Queen of Great Britain during her visit to Pakistan in 1961. Swat is a valley of greenery, high mountains, and crystal clear lakes which is a major source of income for the country’s tourism industry.
Swat Valley is also a very beautiful place in Pakistan because of its beauty it is also called the Switzerland of Pakistan. are the best places for
Murghazar is the only open place in Swat district, which is located at a distance of about twelve kilometers from the main city of Mingora. Tourists not only visit Murghazar due to its natural beauty and mild weather but also visit the historic building of the Swat era, the White Palace (1941).
When the construction of the White Palace was completed in 1941 by the order of Mian Gul Abdul Wadud known as Badshah Sahib (1881 to 1971), the founder of the modern state of Swat, Marghazar became the summer capital of the state of Swat thanks to this palace. Even today, despite the passage of seven decades, the White Palace is a reference point. In summer as well as in winter, the beauty of this palace is worth seeing.

No:09. Naltar Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the beautiful Naltar Valley (Gilgit-Baltistan) in Pakistan as number nine. Located two and a half hours away from Gilgit-Baltistan, Wadi Naltar is famous for its beautiful and colorful lakes. The world’s best potatoes are also grown in the Naltar Valley. Surrounded by pine forests, this beautiful valley seems to be a secluded and peaceful place in the world.
According to Syed Mehdi Bukhari, ‘Telepathic lakes, a story of enchantment, a masterpiece of an artist, under the influence of which any person starts talking to himself, everything starts to flow. Like a patient with low blood pressure, a person is left sitting in one place with a silent ticket and the listener also keeps a hand of comfort on the heart so that the influence of the Messiah is felt reaching the soul.

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the beautiful Naltar Valley (Gilgit-Baltistan) in Pakistan as number nine.
No: 10. Gojal Valley

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the beautiful Gojal Valley of Pakistan at number ten. Gujal Valley is a border region of Pakistan with China and Afghanistan. Gojal’s border with China meets at Khunjerab, which is covered with snow year-round due to its height of about 15,397 feet above sea level. To the northwest lies the Gujal region of Chapursan, which borders directly with the Wakhan region of Afghanistan.
The Wakhan region is about 6 miles wide, after which the Tajik border begins. The Karakoram Highway connecting Pakistan to China also enters China at Khunjrab through Gujal Valley.

No: 11. Yrama Meadow

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the beautiful village of Yerammedu in Pakistan at number eleven. Eleven kilometers away from Astoor is the village of Rama, which is considered one of the most beautiful villages in the north. After the village is the beautiful field of Rama called Rama Medu. Our blogger Syed Mehdi Bukhari has described this place in these words: “Working women working in the fields, and their colorful anchals waving in the wind, fragrant air, happy faces, smiling children, swaying trees, winding roads, Flowing water is the hallmark of Rama village.
In the same way, if there is an open green field in front of you, cold snow and milky water is flowing in the form of channels in the field, sheep and cows are grazing in the field on the banks of the water, and there are tall green pine trees around. At the back of the field, there is a pine forest on the mountain slope and above it, the snow-capped peak of Chongra, the south wall of Nanga Parbat with the peak, pieces of clouds are passing in the blue sky touching the peaks of the mountain, the sun is shining like this. Like a big mirror reflecting light everywhere, surely you are in Rama Medu’.

No: 12. Gorakh Hill

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the beautiful region of Pakistan Gorakh Hill at the twelfth place. Snowfall in Sindh may sound like a myth to hear, but Gorakh Pahari in Sindh province is one place where snow falls in winters. During 2008, all the hills here were covered with snow. Gorakh Hill is a picturesque place at an elevation of 5688 feet above sea level and is part of the Kirthar mountain range which borders Sindh on the west.
Abbottabad is a sprawling tourist destination in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which is 4,120 feet above sea level. This area is a junction for tourists heading towards Naran Kaghan, Gilgit-Baltistan. Nithyagli, Ayubeya, Galiyat Namali Meera, Haveliyan Waterfall, Shimla Hills are some famous places. The climate of Abbottabad is cooler than other cities which attracts tourists in summer.

No: 13. Chitral & Wadi Kalash

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, the beautiful region of Chitral and Kalash Valley comes at number thirteen. Chitral is the largest district of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, which is located in the northwest of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The unique location and culture of this region makes it unique in terms of tourism. Chitral region is surrounded by high mountains on all four sides. Chitral used to be cut off from other parts of the country due to snowfall, but now due to Lowari Tunnel, the problems of the residents of Chitral district have been removed.
The people of Kailash Valley (Kafaristan) in Chitral remain the center of attention of the world due to their unique religion and culture. Chitral is also home to the highest peak of the Hindu Kush, Trich Mir. Kalash Valley is one of the most attractive places in the world. Vali is one of the valleys, this valley is very famous among tourists due to its ancient civilization, the people of this valley are very hospitable, and cultural and religious festivals are celebrated here with great enthusiasm.

No: 14. Murree & Nathiagali

Murree is ranked fourteenth in the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan. Divided into the province of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, this area is a priority for tourists. Murree’s altitude of 7500 feet above sea level makes it more special. Murree is also known as Kohsar meaning Queen of Mountains. Murree is the only place in Punjab province where snow falls. Murree is about 35 km while the distance between Murree and Abbottabad city is about 65 km.
Murree is a very beautiful region of Pakistan. It is the best place to spend summer, that’s why it is crowded with tourists in summer. The special thing is that it also snows here in winter, which makes tourists very happy. They enjoy. A trip to Murree is full of sensual views of verdant mountains, thick forests, and dancing clouds. The mountains of Murree, which are green in summer and white in winter, are very attractive for tourists.
Nithia Gali is a spacious hill town in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Due to the altitude of 8100 feet above sea level, the weather here is very cold and there is heavy snowfall in winter. In Nithyagli there is also the Governor House and the personal house of Prime Minister Imran Khan. The distance from Abbottabad is about 38 km.

No: 15. Kaghan Valley:

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, the Kaghan Valley of Pakistan comes to us at number fifteen. The area from Balakot to Babu Sir Top is called Kaghan Valley. This valley (from Balakot to Babu Sir Top) is spread over 800 square kilometers. Balakot is the gateway to this valley, which is 7500 feet (2134 m to 4173 m) above sea level and has a length of about 150 km. It has 9 small big lakes and its peaks are as high as 17 thousand feet. Kaghan Valley is named after the town “Kaghan” which itself is a very beautiful town.
Kaghan Valley is home to the following nations. Gujjar (majority), Swati, Sadat, Mughal, Kashmiri, and Kohistani while Hindko, Gujri, Pashto, Punjabi, Saraiki, and Urdu are spoken and understood here. The famous sports of this valley are Kabaddi, Shikai and Cricket. Wheat, Maize, Rice, Peas, Potatoes, Potatoes, and Cabbage are the notable crops here, but the total cultivable area is only 5% of the area, so the production is very low. Fruits include walnuts, apples, apricots, and jujubes. There are many walnut trees. From Balakot to Naran, there are walnut trees along the road, if you go in August, these trees will be bearing walnuts. Walnut bark is used for the database. In the forests of the valley, there are pine, pine, kikar, and biaro chapel trees. A wonderful plant “Chow” is found here which is known to make a person faint immediately if smelled. Perhaps this is the reason why tourists wandering in this area have a dull and dizzy look.
Horses, mules, donkeys, cheetahs, nafas, bears, roosters, deer, chakurs, bulbuls, muskrats, and partridges are found in Kaghan Valley. The valley is rich in local culture, folk sands, folk music, and folk wisdom. Even today, the folk romantic stories of Darshi Munshi, Prince Saif Al-Mulk and Pari Badi Jamal, and Sohni and Lala are popular with the people of the valley. Some local people even get paid by telling these stories to tourists. These folk traditions are passed down from breast to breast and this heritage is passed on from generation to generation.
The height of Kunhar river is 14000 feet above sea level. The lake starts from Dodipat head and various lakes, streams and canals are found along the way. The Kunhar River flows through Naran, Kaghan and Balakot and joins the Neelum and Jhelum rivers at Patan near Muzaffarabad. Kunhar River is a combination of two words ie koh meaning “hill” and nahar meaning “canals” hence Kunhar river is the name of the collection of canals. This beautiful valley of mountains, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, springs and glaciers awaits tourists in summer from May to September. The maximum temperature here in May is 11 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature is 3 degrees Celsius. The route from Naran to Dara Babusar is open from mid-July to late September.

No: 16. Balakot

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, we have the Balakot region of Pakistan at number sixteen. Balakot, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is a small town with history hidden in it. It is also considered to be the gateway of Naran Kaghan. The earthquake devastated the city on October 8, killing thousands and injuring thousands of people.
A city in Mansehra District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan which also has the status of Tehsil, it is the largest Tehsil of Mansehra District. Balakot is about 3226 feet above sea level. It is located at a distance of 6 hours from Islamabad, while the distance from the federal capital is about 194 kilometers. The distance from Mansehra to Balakot is about 50 km. Balakot is spread over an area of 10 square kilometers.
Balakot has a majority Gujjar community, MNA of Mansehra, and Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Mr. Sardar Muhammad Yusuf belongs to this respected tribe. Hindko and Gujri are commonly spoken here. The Kunhar River, which originates from Lolosar Lake, passes through the heart of Balakot City and falls into the Jhelum River near Muzaffarabad. Near Balakot is a white stone village called Chatta Batta and Batrasi forest.
Balakot has historical importance due to the Mujahideen movement of Syed Ahmed Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed. The shrines of both great personalities are located in the same city. Balakot was the last stand of the Mujahideen movement and the last center of the great struggle against the Sikhs. On May 6, 1831, after a bloody battle, Syed Ahmed and Shah Ismail turned the land of Balakot red with their blood. The main mosque of the city is located on the banks of the river Kinhar, adjacent to the shrine of Syed Ahmad Shaheed. This mosque is called Syed Ahmad Shaheed Mosque. After it was destroyed in the 2005 earthquake, a new mosque has been built in its place. This mosque suffered a lot of damage in the flood of 1992. If we say, it will be correct that martyrs of Balakot Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Hazrat Syed Ismail Shaheed are the introduction of Balakot City.
Balakot is the gateway to the Kaghan Valley and an educational, cultural, and industrial hub. Balakot has Musa’s Masla, Martyrs’ Shrines, and Hazrat Syed Jamalullah’s seat, as well as sulfur springs where bathing cures skin diseases. Apart from this, there is also a love stone where those who are thirsty for love come and renew their love.

No: 17. Avon & Bomburit Valley

In the list of beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, the village of Awan and Bomburit Valley is ranked seventeenth. Awan is a beautiful village in Chitral district, located twelve kilometers south of Chitral city at the confluence of the Bomburit River. There are no words to describe the beauty of this unique and beautiful village surrounded by mountains. Beyond Avon is the Bomburit valley, one of the three valleys of the Kalash.
Bomburit can be reached by a journey of about two hours from Chitral. The Kalash natives consider themselves descendants of Alexander the Great and trace their origin to Greece. Bomburit Valley is a very lush and barren place but still one can feel the silence and peace here.

No: 18. Besides River Chenab

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have the rural face of Punjab on the banks of the Chenab River in Pakistan at number eighteen. Punjab province has been blessed by Allah Almighty with countless blessings, gold sprouts, fields swaying and colors are the gift of nature.
At the end of winter, the trees and plants turn green again, and every hundred waving mustard fields herald the arrival of new life. According to Syed Mehdi Bukhari, Sialkot, situated on the banks of the Chenab River, is known as the city of the skilled. It is probably the effect of Chenab that the waters of which have dissolved such nectar that the cities, towns, and villages living on its banks are eternally fertile along with the land and the mind. Many intelligent people including Iqbal, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, and Shivkumar Batalvi were born here. River Chenab flows calmly at Marala, 20 km from the city.

No: 19. Paye

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, Paye comes to us at number nineteen. Going up from the Shogran valley, the vast expanse of lush greenery on the Hindu Kush mountains has a great attraction to draw tourists. Often shrouded in fog and clouds, the scattered waterholes, horse riders, wildflowers and the lush summit of Makda Peak combine to create a magical effect. The view of Pai Lake surrounded by Makra Peak and Queen Parbat can also prove to be a memorable experience here.

No: 20. Ganache

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, we have Ganche at number twenty. This land of jagged mountains, flowing blue waters, and waterfalls falling from a height is rich in natural and human beauty. The headquarters of Ganche is as beautiful as its name. This population settled on the banks of the Shivk River is still as simple and pure as it was centuries ago. Leaving Nawam and moving forward on the same road, the open plain of the Shivok River comes where the river spreads out and flows in the form of channels in its wide gravelly plain. From here one can see the peak of Masha Broome Peak behind it.

No: 21. Kamrat Valley

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, we have Kamrat Valley at number twenty-one. Kumrat is situated at an altitude of 7000 feet above sea level in the northeast of the Upper Dir district.
According to recent research by Jabliviews.com, Kumrat Valley is the most beautiful in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the second most beautiful area in Pakistan. Kumrat is located at the foothills of Hindu Kush at a distance of 65 km from Kalam, while it is 100 km from Deer City. Located at a distance
Dense forests, towering mountains, waterfalls, and lakes, make Kamrat unique. Katura Lake Ship Banda Shah Zor Lake Kala Chashma are among the famous places of Kamrat, Kalam, and Naran Kaghan apart from this you will get to taste trout fish here.

No: 22. K-2

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places of Pakistan, K-2 is on the twenty-second number. Located at 8,611 meters above sea level, K-To is the second highest mountain on earth after Mount Everest. It is located in the Karakoram range, partly in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir region of Gilgit-Baltistan and partly in the Chinese-administered Kashmir region, included in the Tashqarghan Tajik Autonomous County of Xinjiang.
K-To is also known as Savage Mountain, “It’s a savage mountain that tries to kill you,” George Bell, an American climber, told reporters. Among the five highest mountains in the world, K-2 is the deadliest. The mountain sacrifices about one climber for every four who reach the summit.

No: 23. Shandur

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have Shandur at the 23rd position. Shandur district is located in the northeast of Chitral and is very popular among tourists due to the polo festival. The world’s highest polo ground near Shandur Lake is located at the same place and it is the largest polo ground in the world.
Freestyle polo is played here where the Shandur Festival is held every year in July which lasts for three days. Apart from polo, various cultural programs are offered at the festival to promote the culture of Gilgit and Chitral. The polo festival attracts tourists from all over the world. The world’s tallest ATM is also installed in Shandur on the border of Gilgit and Chitral.

No: 24. Malam Jabba

In the list of the most beautiful tourist places in Pakistan, we have Malam Jabba at number 24. Malam Jabba is a spacious and beautiful place in Swat district, this area is famous all over the world for its beauty. If you’re a gamer, you can’t find a better place than Malam Jabba, 51 kilometers from Saidu Sharif. This area has been inhabited for nearly 2000 years.

No: 25. Azad Kashmir

Azad Kashmir is ranked 25th in the list of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Pakistan. Azad Kashmir is a part of Jammu and Kashmir, which is independent and independent from Indian rule. Administratively, this area is similar to Pakistan. Azad Kashmir is rich in natural beauty. Examples of the beauty here are given all over the world. Tourist places of Azad Kashmir include Neelum Valley, Lipa, Kotli, Muzaffarabad, and eight places.
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