Kaifi Khalil about 09 interesting facts

09 interesting facts about Kaifi Khalil

Pakistani Singer Kaifi Khalil about 09 Interesting facts. Friends, Pakistan’s recent discovery in the world of music, Kaifi Khalil is a young singer and music composer from Pakistan who at a very young age has taken the music industry by storm, where nowadays people only rely on rap music. Kaifi Khalil has given a new color to traditional Balochi music and today he has created a distinct identity among the youth across Pakistan. Friends, today we are going to tell you some interesting facts about the life and career of one of the famous singers of Pakistan, Kaifi Khalil.

01: Kaifi Khalil’s childhood:

Friends’ Khalil was born on September 2, 1996, in Lyari, a poor area of ​​Karachi. His Ras Chakra sign is Virgo. Kaifi Khalil has spent a large part of his life in Lyari, a poor area of ​​Karachi. Lyari, by the way, is an area that is known throughout Pakistan due to violence, gang wars, and drugs. But the people here are very intelligent. Until now Lyari was famous here because of football but now Lyari has got a new identity which is Kaifi Khalil. Kaifi Khalil belongs to a very poor family and his father was also a musician. He was very fond of music from his childhood and unlike normal parents, his parents did not force him to teach him by putting his thumb on his head but placed his fate in his hands, that is, what he wanted to do from an early age. It was given.

02: Academy of Performing Arts (MAD School):

Friends A friend of Keefi Khalil introduced him to a performing arts academy in Karachi. Seeing Keefi’s passion and talent, the med school not only admitted him but here he studied music. Also studied at Keefree. Among his teachers were art directors Nida Butt and Hamza Jafari, who are known for their direction in today’s music world. He still lives with his mother. Keefi’s father was a Baloch musician who played the banjo and guitar, made banjos, and sold banjos.

03: Kaifi Khalil faces difficulties in life:

Kaifi Khalil’s father passed away in his childhood and after his father’s death, the conditions of Kaifi Khalil’s house got worse and worse. And he was the only earner in his house. Start doing small and big jobs. Thus, he gradually saved up a little money and bought a used guitar, and learned to play it with his friends. According to Keifi Khalil, he learned to play the guitar mostly by watching YouTube videos, and in July 2015, He created his YouTube channel under the name of Kefi Khalil. His first video uploaded on YouTube was his version of a Balochi song (Mani Tewe Dost). After that, he started uploading many songs in Urdu and Punjabi on his channel. Many of the songs were very successful. Kaifi Khalil explains that when the world sees you progressing, everyone becomes your enemy and starts pulling your legs. Something similar happened to him because usually, the children of the rich come into the music industry of Pakistan, but when a poor boy from Lyari tried to enter the music world, everyone started making fun of him. and started harassing him, even when he went to take guitar classes, everyone shouted at him and tried to take away his guitar. Kaifi Khalil says that after becoming a singer, his biggest wish is that they have a band of their own because whenever they go to perform anywhere, the first question they are asked is, do you have a band of your own?

04: Support to Kaifi Khalil of IM Karachi:

Friends Kaifi Khalil’s career took off when they started helping him (IM Karachi), a non-profit Karachi-based organization that helps the poor and destitute. and culture in Pakistan. is also investing a lot in promoting it. With the help of this organization, Kaifi got the opportunity to perform in various places and he also got the IM Karachi Hoon Award in 2016. In the same year, he won the IM Karachi. He also performed in music festivals and 2017 he released his independent single song Chaman Aarz.

05: Rise in the life of Kaifi Khalil.

Friends, Kaifi Khalil’s fortune rose during the year 2020 when his Balochi song (by a k Bacheke Abdale) became famous worldwide. And this song has been viewed more than three million times on YouTube so far. It’s done. About another of his songs, Toba, Toba, Kafi Khalil said in an interview that this song was written by his father himself in love with his mother. Among his other famous songs (Baali Guraab 2021), this song Apart from this, there is one from 2021 (Kadi Kaye 2021) and the song Mast from 2022. The most successful song of Kaifi Khalil’s life and career so far is Kahani Suno 2.0 which has been viewed more than 143 million times on YouTube.The year 2022 brought a lot of success in Kaifi Khalil’s life and during the same year, Zulfikar Jaber Khan invited Kaifi to sing in the fourteenth season of Coke Studio. He sang the song written (Kana Yari) which he and EVA B wrote together. The song became a sensation on YouTube within a few days and has been viewed 62 million times so far.

06: Difficulties in Kaifi Khalil’s music career:

Kaifi Khalil has always had a passion to make a name for himself in the world of music, but before entering the music industry of Pakistan, he had to face many problems and difficulties, mainly due to his poverty. Kaifi Khalil always wanted to form his music band. And he wanted to have a studio like professional singers where he could record his songs, but he didn’t have any support. Nor any money to record and upload their songs on YouTube or any other such music platform. He solved all these problems by turning a corner of the room into a small studio in his house and gradually he started buying second-hand music studio equipment and started working in his own house. And so in the year 2015, he created his YouTube channel and started uploading songs on it.

07: 09 interesting facts about Kaifi Khalil

 According to their friend Kaifi Khalil, he started doing all kinds of jobs at a young age after the death of his father. His sisters were married and his brother was abroad in search of employment. His elder brother used to take him to work with him at a young age and he was paid twenty rupees a day. used to, and by collecting this money, he used to buy music cassettes during that period. And according to Kaifi Khalil, those cassettes are still with him today, they are still a part of his collection and are the best memories of his childhood. Kaifi says that despite his poverty, his family’s best quality was that, like a typical middle-class family, his family never stopped him from becoming a singer and always said that if the child had one in his life, If he wants to go, let him go. They were always engaged in their fun and were busy establishing a separate world of their own. And friends, those who are engaged in establishing their world, will also get success like Kaifi Khalil. It goes.

08: Kaifi Khalil’s songwriting, poetry, singing:

Kaifi Khalil still writes his songs even today, although he did not receive any special education. The main reason for this is that his elder brother was a poet himself, and the poetry that Kaifi also learned was from his brother. Self-taught from books. Kaifi Khalil is a self-taught poet who learned everything by himself, be it video making, music, poetry, or singing. Kaifi Khalil first wrote his songs. They started telling their friends. Their families tried to make them study, but they all finally surrendered to Kefi’s stubbornness.

09: Kaifi Khalil’s famous songs and his rise to fame:

Friends, whether you are a music listener or not, there is a high chance that you must have listened to all of Kaifi Khalil’s songs Kanna Yaari or Kahani Suno at least once because his songs are quite popular on YouTube these days. Have gone viral. His song Kahani Suno 2.0 has been number one on Spotify for the last three to four months. And so far it has listened to more than two million times on Spotify. This is quite surprising. That this song was released on the charts not long ago. Keefi Khalil’s songs have increased his fame immensely. And his fans belong to all ages, races, and countries. Kaifi Khalil is equally popular in Pakistan as well as in India, Bangladesh, the USA, the UK, and Canada. And in no time he becomes a world sensation. This young star from Balochistan has lit a fire with the power of her voice that warms the soul of all. When Kaifi Khalil’s first song Kana Yaari was released, it became an instant hit among the youth and this was because it was a great blend of modern music and Balochi singing that no one had ever heard or done before. So this song started breaking records on Spotify from the very first day and this Kaifi Khalil song on Spotify’s rap list also brought him to the top five artists of the world. Today our Pakistani hero Kaifi Khalil has reached Jeddah. And going there, they are awakening the magic of their voice and making a splash. Friends, these were the interesting facts about the life and career of Pakistan’s latest singer Kaifi Khalil.

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